The OT law or Mosaic Law was for the Hebrew (Jews) only. It was never for the Gentiles. Jesus gave the Jews and the gentile the Law of Love found in Matthew 22:36-40.
Linda Joy
See: 1 Timothy 1:9 -
True, see also Romans 10:4
As a
"Without law, there is no freedom." - John Locke
For the sheep of Israel. Not the Romans -aka Whites and goyim.
Deuteronomy 13:12 invites men, women, children, and foreign residents to gather, listen to and carry out all the words of the law. Jesus taught large crowds of diverse people as well as individuals of different cultures and beliefs (John 4:9).
To temper the lower animal tendencies that may do harm in some way.
for all of us
The Law was made to be broken. - Judas Priest
I Fought the Law (and the law won) - Sonny Curtis (1958) -
Archie Bunker
And Justice for All - Metallica (1988) -
There's also this "law"
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