The Leverite laws required her husband's brother or next of kin to marry her and raise up children in her husbands name. This is another example as well of the Lord God's approval of polygamy.
My answer too. -
Linda Joy
so why didn't you answer Anoname? -
Linda Joy
It's not polygamy if the husband is dead. -
But the brother was married, so he had more than one wife. By the way he refused to make his sister in law/wife pregnant through sexual interruptus spilling his seed on the ground. (not masturbation as churches like to claim). This angered the Lord God because the brother refused to make and heir for his brother. The Lord God had him killed. -
Linda Joy
You speak as if this applied to only one person. God approves of polygamy only when it is legal. And voluntarily accepted by all parties involved. -
Polygamy is spoken of in the Bible more than any other marriage relationship. The Roman government restricted polygamy and allowed a man to have only one wife. The Roman government was afraid of the Jews would soon outnumber them and take over. The Jews always had polygamy except during those times when they were under the control of another government. Monogamy today is based on the Roman law of only one wife. This was not the Lord Gods intention for mankind. -
Linda Joy
How has that worked for YOU? What do your family gatherings look like? -
Man not the Lord God made polygamy illegal. If I were young and with the knowledge i have concerning polygamy I would have three or four wives. Not all polygamist families today are Mormon there is a growing Christian polygamy movement. As for family gatherings they would be accepted as normal and accepting. -
OC Joe
The law aspect of this is correct. I do not favor polygamy but see no reason it should be illegal. That being said, the comment on polygamy doesn't make sense. -
People think polygamy is all about sex. far from it. It is very demanding on the husband to care for the needs of each wife. the wives benefit because they have additional help in providing for the home and children.
She would start partying again.
Ice man
Start the music and let the good times roll ! -
Linda Joy
I did! Y'all come shake your tail feathers with me!
She has to ... walk like an Egyptian.
Linda Joy
No she has to shake her tail feathers! -
Ice man
Thanks, that got my tail feathers a shakin'. : ) -
Linda Joy
Wish I could see that!
not sure, never heard of that one
If there were brothers of her late husband she would marry on of them I believe this is called a Leverite marriage
No clue, nor do I care!
not sure
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