To me, that lyrics prompts the sound of a shotgun going off.
"y'all need to put more money on my paycheck, cause I need more dividends"
IDK I think the lyrics should be "We can still be friends as long as you and I comprehends."
"After 20 year of fighting, the Taliban wins again".
Wow, y'all really suck at this!
"If you resurface too quickly...then you'll get the bends."
Linda Joy
What song is that from? And why did you feel the need to post it twice? -
Ha...didn't read the existing answers. This one's better than my previous answer. In this one, the meter matches the first line.
I think this is George Michael's "I Want Your Sex" and the next line is the song's title. Are you trying to provoke someone into propositioning you Linda?😄
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