call 911
I understand but isn't that like trying to put a fire out with gasoline? They are likely to be abusive themselves and might actually kill someone for some "reason" the courts will let them get away with later., -
Linda Joy
The average American's chance of being killed by the police in 2015 was .0004%. I really wish people would stop blowing this crap way out of proportion! On the other hand half of all female homicides are committed by intimate Partners so I'll gladly take my chances with a cop
I agree with boo I'd call 911.
I once listed all the PERSONAL bad cop incidents I've been involved with. It took me a full hour to list them. On the way home that day I thought of at least three more bad cop run-ins. I had one put his gun directly in contact with the temple of my head because my car had tinted windows! NOBODY can EVER tell me cops aren't the enemy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Linda Joy
I've never had a personal problem with one so until I do no one will convince me they are. -
Linda Joy
Hey after making that list did you feel persecuted? -
There is a great deal of institutional prejudice in our system. My friends that look like an ethnic minority are treated differently than I would be treated. I was blind to this untill these friends told me some of their experiences with law and code enforcement. Equal application of the law is an ideal that has not been realized in the predominantly white suburban community in which I live.
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