It's only uncool to tuck in the shirt when wearing shorts. Makes you look nerdy.
American shirts should all be tucked in, and that's all there is too it. Filipino barongs are too short to tuck in, but only Filipinos wear them.
Pei Chia-Li
I wear them occasionally. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Sandra Ursula, American shirts should all be tucked in, cause actually American size clothing runs bigger than Asian clothing. lol
not sure but inn not one of thenn
Tucked in shirts look neater and more attractive. Untucked shirts look sloppy.
Jenny The Great ⭐
I thought Sloppy Joe's were your favorite burgers.
thats just the way sorne people are
Most people are mindless puppets who embrace tasteless fads. I always tuck in any shirt I wear except a Filipino barong that is made to be worn untucked. It looks sloppy to not tuck in the typical American shirt.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Besides a Filipino barong, how about a Hawaiian shirt? :D
Those people who make a big deal out of shirts tucked in are the uncool ones for not showing class.
I have more of a problem with a man whose pants sag so low he could tuck his socks into his pants.
Army Veteran
Oh, Gawd...don't open that can of worms!
Was there a fashion show that I missed? WHOTF cares? When you're at a wet T-shirt contest, does it really **MATTER** if her shirt is tucked in??? As long as you want to play "fashion police", where were you when everyone was wearing pink vaginas on their heads? You people need a life (says the guy who sits at his computer all
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