It sure seems that way. I have easy questions and they hardly don't get any answers. But that doesn't stop me from answering questions. :)
It seems that way sometimes. I'll give your questions a look and see what I can do.
7-19-2017 No, not dead. Linda Joy is keeping it alive.
Linda Joy
LOL I do what I can man! But occasionally I do need to shower and eat. I see you here too at all hours keeping it alive! -
Linda Joy
I think you missed her question on virginity you need to go back and answer that one. I'll let you skip the one on PMS this time though lol
not that i know of
Not dead, no. Just in a long-term coma.
I answered this question by the end of 2017. It seemed that way when I joined the new AB. Now on 6/23/18, this site is starting to pick up.
i dont think so, maybe people just didnt see your questions
I see very little new Qs.
Linda Joy
This one is not new.
I hope not! 😍
10 july 2022--- seems so.....
I don't remember when you posted this question. But I have noticed that AB is a little slower in the summertime in America. I just assumed everyone was going on vacation and spending time with family during the summer break. It does seem to have cycles, though.
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