All my bills are behind in payments. My mortgage had been many months past due and I've even had to drop my car insurance all together for now. I've been catching up s-l-o-w-l-y. At the start of this new job I calculated I could get caught up by the end of June IF I didn't run into any major expenses along the way. Last week a truck rear ended my car at a stoplight. Not my fault - but without insurance I'd get a large ticket for being on the road at all. When we got out to check the vehicles there was no damage at all. Not even a scratch, which was amazing since he hit me hard. We both agreed that since there was no damage we could just forget it and go on our seperate ways. Because of that miracle I was able to pay up my mortgage yesterday.
Linda Joy
But you're okay though right? I can remember being rear-ended twice one time I was driving my car the other time I wasn't. How long have you been at the new job? And YAY YOU catching the bills up! I paid on a piece of land for seven or eight years (half the term of the loan) then lost it. -
I'm tough. Unhurt. Thanks for asking. Making some calls now on my other bills to see if I can pay them during my lunch. It wouldn't take long to go to the post office on my way to the food court. -
Linda Joy
Did you 'git 'er done'? -
ALL bills caught up. Will be tight to keep it that way next month, but if I can get through August without falling behind again I should FINALLY be in the clear.
I have many too many to begin to list.
Linda Joy
So just post one. -
You are crediting God for this...but why should he reward you if you are not being obedient to what he asked? Satan also can do some good if it suits his purpose...that is why he is angel of light... (2 Corinthians 11:14) And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light. -
I had lost an electronic charger adapter. I had looked everywhere for in in all the drawers in all my photo equipment bags everywhere. I needed it on a trip I was taking over this last weekend. I prayed for the Lord God to show me where it was. That night I had a dream saying it was in the side pocket of my lap top carrying case. I had looked in it before but in the morning I checked in the pocket and there it was. Another time when on a missions trip to Mexico one of the girls lost a new Mickey Mouse wrist watch. We searched the entire room the girls were staying in. top to bottom wall to wall several times. We turned her back pack inside out where she said she had put it that morning. Nothing. We returned home without the watch. Several weeks later she was going on a sleep over and got out her back pack. When she opened it the watch fell out onto the bed. There are more like this and others. -
Linda Joy
Thank you! -
You are welcome. I have a number of them when I was on the mission field (independent church not Mormon or JW) as well as more from here in the states and Canada. Too many to write about.
If you remain humble and willing to be obedient, HE will do amazing things for you... And to brag about our current good situation...would not be proper...So take it as read...
Linda Joy
We are beggars in the presence of a king! -
Linda Joy
We're proof God can make miracles of messes, amen?
.....God has always come through for me. But not until I was able to have a direct experience of God within myself, did I realize the understanding I was missing...... ...God exists within you as you...... Remember when Jesus says that if thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of Light?..... This body is the Temple where God resides.....When the mind is still and free from the constant flow of thoughts running through it, and the Ego has dissolved, and we look within, we see that we are that light of God......WE see that there is no separation in the oneness of God......So in that instance God comes through in the realization that we are one...... So that is how God can come through in all of Gods glory when we open our hearts to gods presence.
Yes, growing up I did not have nothing ..In my Teen years I did what I could but me and my Sister never got anything special ...My Father loss his Steel Mill job well as years went on ..I manage to get money now that I can afford to buy things and get things I never had has a Teen growing up so I am thankful for God
I had a near fatal heart attack.
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