Guess I get the gist of it but it's alright Sorry that you feel that way. The only thing there is to say Every silver lining's got a touch of grey I will get by, I will get by, I will get by, I will survive. It's a lesson to me The Ables and the Bakers and the C's The ABC's we all must face To try to keep a little grace It's a lesson to me The Deltas and the East and the Freeze The ABC's we all think of To try to give a little love
You know more of the lyrics than I do! I just wanted to offer a place for people to get their frustrations out. -
Linda Joy
I Google. What about you? Do you have frustrations that need venting? -
Not really. Except my ear and the lady I care about said she was having pain this morning. I want her feeling better. -
Linda Joy
Praying for your ear and your lady friend to feel better. Is this serious? Do I have to stop flirting with you now? ;-)
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