Ninja stars.
You take no prisoners. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
That's right! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Prisoners are a waste of space. ;)
Mini-grappling hook gun. Aerosol truth serum.
Grappling hooks have many uses and a serum is easier to carry around than a magic lasso. -
Linda Joy
You can't tie anybody up with an aerosol. Just saying. ..
Sorry about the duplicates.
Happens to all ABer's eventually.
My Swiss army knife. You know the type that has every tool you positively couldn't survive a nuclear attack (or some other devastating experience) without... : )
MacGyver would be proud. -
Linda Joy
Ooh is there an electric toothbrush on that knife? How heavy is it? You got a tater masher on there? Cordless mixer? You know somebody's going to want mashed potatoes! What you hauling in the truck Ice man? -
Went into my knife collection a few days ago and selected two of them to have out around the house. One was a Swiss army knife. I was surprised at how good a condition it was still in after being in storage for over a decade. It was my main knife in my college days. -
Ice man
@ Linda - Yes to all of the above. What's in the trailer ? - could be anything from sugar to granite. -
Ice man
@ Anon - Cool that you still have one ... they were handy & meant to last ...
Golden lasso,chocolate, pop rocks,Pepsi wait what was the mission? I might need my crafty witts and to be strapped like Fiona Glenanne or Laura Croft! We may even need supplies brought in like maybe some beer and prime rib? Plenty of herb? Water, lots of water! Ammo explosives! Let's blow stuff up, guys ooh rah! I'd like to build a campfire if we're authorized...
Ooh-rah is for Marines........ Squid. -
Ice man
If you're packin' prime rib & beer , I hope you have a refrigerated compartment on that belt.... : ) -
Linda Joy
Wow! You're the only Marine ever who didn't appreciate and emphatically encourage my heartfelt ooh rah! You can keep the Pepsi and weed. I'll leave the prime rib and beer as well. It wasn't for me anyway. But I'll take the rest of my toys where they're appreciated. -
Awww - you're appreciated. Most squids can take a little friendly military needling. You know each branch likes to make jokes about the others. -
Linda Joy
Oh please! We invented you! And EVERY squid knows where the name Mmaarriiiiiinnee came from! I just respect most Marines far too much to engage in the petty bickering. I love my Marines! And they love me! Now we either need to blow something up or at least talk and plan about blowing stuff up around the fire I already built. -
Well, my little campfire girl, Kim Jong Un could use a setback in his intercontenintal efforts. What happens if we blow up a nuclear weapons site? -
Linda Joy
Leeloo say "BIG BADDAH BOOM!" (Fifth Element) -
Is Ice Man coming along? He can haul the explosives that won't fit in the utility belt. -
Ice man
If you two are finished your little spitting match ....I love fireworks & things that go "BOOM !" in the night ....Open the door, I'm backing up to the dock right now ! -
Linda Joy
That's why I asked as soon as Ice Man pulled up and before requisitioning supplies what he was hauling in the truck! What are we blowing up? -
Ice man
Kim Jong Un is our target for this month. No head = dead snake. Dead snake = No nukes. No nukes = a safer world ... for now. Next month - a new covert mission. -
Linda Joy
Safer World! I'm in! And I kind of like the idea of a new secret op every month too! Let's do this!
An invisible plane. It folds up to pocket size.
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