Here are the lyrics and pronunciation guide if you want to sing along, Lol 1. Feliz Cumpleaños, (fay-lees coom-play-ahn-yos) That's how they say it in Spain. Fröhlicher Geburtstag, (frer-li-sher guh-burts-tahk) In German it means the same. Gratulerer med dagen, (grah-too-lay-rare med dog-en) Norwegians say it too. But any way you say it, It means Happy Birthday to you! 2. They say in Samoa, Manuia lou aso fanau. (mah-noo-ee-yah low ah-so fah-now) TanjÅbi omedetÅ, (tahn-joe-bee oh-meh-deh-toe) The Japanese say, and bow. Sængilul chukhahamnida, (săng-ill-oÅl chewk-ha-hahm-nee-dah) Koreans say it too. But any way you say it, It means Happy Birthday to you!
Ice man
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, it's great to feel the love !! XO ... : ) -
Linda Joy
Did I get the cake right? Lol -
Ice man
Yes, but she's too shy to jump out of it. ;-)
Happy birthy day!
Ice man
Thank you so very much !! : )
Happy B-Day. I'm sanctioning a chiseled Ice sculpture of him for the party.
Linda Joy
An ice sculpture of Ice man! Cool! -
Ice man
I appreciate that to the Nth degree !! Thank you so very much. : )
Happy b-day! May the best of your past be the worst of your future.
I like that. -
Linda Joy
Me too! -
Ice man
Me three !! Thanks bUzz, you're a sweetie. : )
Ice man
Thank you so very much, : )
To those who took the time to answer, and especially to Linda Joy for starting this .... I would like to extend a very heart felt ... Thank You for your best wishes. You folks are the greatest and I love you all. : )
Linda Joy
We love you too,Ice man! Hope you had a great one!
I have 2 minutes left before the day passes - Happy Birthday! 💋
Ice man
The time is unimportant, it's the sentiment that counts ... and for that , I thank you very much. XO
Happy 80th Birthday Ice Man. Have a beer on me and let me smother your crumpets with Marmite.
Linda Joy
He's 65. And this was posted back in July. He and my son share a birthday. -
Linda Joy
Remember the party in the penalty box? That was soldiered! Lol
Ice Man was born ?!
Boola Boo
He was delivered by Amazon in "Back to the Future" rally he was. hahahaha -
Queen Chelsea
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