I use my desktop when I'm at home, and my cell phone during breaks at work.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Cool. I didn't know I could answer my questions. I never tried it with the new AB. -
Rick Myres
I will not use my phone for social networks. Facebook blocks numbers and email on a phone. I know because my phone got blocked even though I don't use it for that. Look at it this way if people were calling then suddenly stopped it is because your phone does not ring and they think you are just not answering. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I haven't had any problems on social networks using a mobile device. I'll get back to you if I ever do have problems. :)
3-13-2017 I use an etc.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Who knows what else that "etc" can do for you. I'm sure it's private according to your answer.
I use my desktop when I am up and my tablet when laying back.
Typically yes.
Destop. Always. I only make calls on my phone and don't have a laptop.
i use a desktop computer.
I use my desktop computer, because I don't have a smart phone or a laptop
I only use a desktop...ever.
I use a Laptop while on Answer Bag
Mostly my iPhone and every now and again on my laptop
A cell phone is for prisoners. I usually use my iPhone for going on Answerbag and now and again I use my laptop. Just realised I answered this question before.
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