Yes, I did back in 1998. I fell fracturing my skull. I watched myself walking to the office where I worked. I was the only one in the shop and I needed help. I don't remember how long I was out. I remember before the fall but not much afterward for several hours. The doctors said I turned my brain to jello. I should have died but the Lord God still has other things for me to do.
Linda Joy
Apparently He's still got something for me to do here too. I wish He'd just let me go home already. -
At times I have felt that as well. Just keep focused on Him he will see you through each day. If I may ask what makes you wish He would take you -
Linda Joy
I'm tired and worn out. (It's not so much the years but the miles) my son is grown and doesn't need me anymore. I'm adrift with no purpose, and not much ability anymore to be useful. I'm sure all those little kiddies of yours are thankful you're still around! -
I feel the same way too often. I am getting tired faster and easier the last year. Driving my school bus keeps me active and useful. I am hoping to make 2 more years after this one. -
Sorry to say but I have had to stop driving my school bus. I had a stroke that has taken most of my vision and cannot see well enough to drive other than my personal car during daylight. Satan has attacked me many times over my life time to stop me. this is the worst he has done. The Lord Jesus Christ is my Saviour! -
Linda Joy
Depression is common after a stroke. I hope you're recovering well. -
I have recovered from the stroke well. My latest attack of Satan's is Covid. It has made me weak and tire easily...but this too shall pass!
kind of, i almost died when i was a kid, they took us to the beach at camp and a lot of us got pulled over by a tidal wave, including one of my brothers and my twin sister,some guy got us out but i never found out who it was
Linda Joy
We're glad he did! -
Linda Joy
Did you get your 'm' key fixed?!
At age 5, I survived an always fatal brain condition. My brain was a pioneer in medical history, I guess. Later on, my young son suffered a liver shut down. The doctors told us to go talk to a funeral home about making arrangements for his death. We did not. We prayed instead. 25 years later, he is alive and doing fine.
My mother after a miscarriage . After that she never feared death. Only came back because she was a mother already. she had then 7 more kids. I was one of them
My mother claims too have had one during my birth. She says" I left my body and I saw it from the top of the room . Looking down I saw the doctors trying to bring me back" Also claims she in total peace during the whole thing. Today she still here went on to have my sister but that's a story for anothr time.
Brain dead yes,,Its a very slow recovery process.
Yes every 3 minutes, that's how long you can survive without the next breath.
I have never had one, and I do not know anyone who has had one.
Yes, one of my friends had that. He fell down from the 3rd floor of a building and somehow survived!
Yep. Iraq, 2005. Had several near death experiences.
I had a near fatal heart attack.
I had a near fatal heart attack.
I experienced a near drowning/death when I was about 12 year old. I was floating through a long room where I could see myself from present to near where my life began. At the end of the room there was no wall, just kind of darkness and just before I came to that portal to eternity someone managed to rescue me.
I was involved in a serious accident in 1992 and was thrown through the windshield of a 1990 Freightliner. I later learned that doctors had "lost me" three times. I never experienced the classical "NDE" and set out to learn why. What I did experience was the feeling I had when I first regained cognition. It was a strong feeling (nothing but a feeling) that I had a choice to make. It was such a quick moment that I don't recall what my choice was. But considering that I'm here today, I guess it was rather obvious. As for NDEs themselves, I don't believe they actually occur. I can't explain people's claims of seeing family and friends who have passed or out-of-body experiences (I'm sure there are logical explanations for these), but I can say that to have experienced any of these and remembered them, requires that the mind be in some kind of cognitive state - which can't happen if you're dead. There has to be some kind of electrical impulses in the brain for it to happen, and thus, the person would not actually be dead. I've also considered time travel as a possible explanation, but time only moves in one direction.
I had a near fatal heart attack.
I was involved in a traffic accident in 1992 that put me through the windshield of a Freightliner cab-over. After 3 days, I woke up in the hospital and they said they'd "lost me" 3 times. I wondered why I never had a near-death experience (NDE) and set out to find out why. What I learned took me into the realm of physics, time travel, and the meanings of certain passages in the Bible. I have concluded that there are no such things as NDEs and you don't go to heaven when you die. This may disappoint some people and I'm sorry about that - but those are the facts. "Seeing relatives and what heaven looks like" would involve time travel - and time travel isn't possible.
Never got over it. In 2002 a slopehead jobbed me over the back of the head with a star picket I never saw that coming , I ened up being charged with affray the slopehead that hit me wasn't charged thats how corrupt the Aussie legal system is if you have enough money.
I had a near fatal heart attack.
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