Sorry about your luck. Was it a blow-out ? I hope you weren't traveling at high speed, you can screw up a tire and rim pretty bad just trying to get stopped on the side of the road. Those space saver "doughnut" spares they give you today aren't very good either.
Happened pulling out of a gas station. By the time I got to the edge of downtown it was flat. My spare was low on air but useable.
Can you get one used?
Sometimes. This time I got a new replacement. $83. Some guy I had never seen before in the building just up and gave me the money for the tire to be friendly. I tried to refuse but he insisted. God bless him. -
Linda Joy
What a blessing! And you're not at all worried he may want something in return? -
The Bible says we sometimes entertain Angels unaware. I've had demons in people come straight out and identify themselves as such but have noticed Angels will only hint to their true nature. I think this guy might be one of those Angels. I could tell you stories about my interacting with spiritual beings that would amaze you. -
Linda Joy
I believe in angles! I'm just more familiar with the ways of men!
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