My name is Jenny. :)
Linda Joy
Nice to meet you Jenny!
Same here. Some days I can't remember my niece's name. And oh BTW my name is uh uh . . . . Rick
Oh that's right my name is Linda Joy
Am I MrPants ? No I've got eyelids. Am I Ice Man ? No the ladies don't swoon for me ? Am I Beaker ? No I'm not THAT insane - yet. Wait ! I got it. My name is mudd.
Rick Myres
Lol -
Linda Joy
Ladies swoon for ice man? I thought he had a girlfriend! I guess I can see that though I might swoon for him if he didn't have a girlfriend. And what do you mean ladies don't swoon for you? You're hot! And sweet! -
Aww, shucks. Thanks.
6-19-2017 My name is Vern and I cast gems of wisdom before you p - p - people.
i thought you said youd never forget me
I am still Rick
Linda Joy
Count Rick! -
Rick Myres
Can't you read? My name is clearly printed on the doodad on my watchamacallit thingamajig.
Linda Joy
You got your name tattooed on your thingamajig? Did it hurt?
Oh come now How can you ever forget the Articfox
Linda Joy
Yeah it took me awhile to get used to only putting one c in Arctic
Ah the gory I mean glory of these rehashed questions. I don't know why they do this even with the newest questions.
Linda Joy
Would you rather have old and none? -
Rick Myres
"scratching head" I dunno. :)
Mr. Lilo Avli esq.
I'm Dave, but I'm nobody special. You have to meet my dog - I'll send him by your place and he'll leave his calling card. 😏
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