Here Roll. Come here Roll. Here boy. That's a good Roll. Your a good Roll - yes, you are. Good Roll.
The percussion section is here, sitting right next to the concussion section.
Linda Joy
The concussion section must be sitting in front of the trombones
If you went to sleep ... wouldn't you rather get a (wait for it) .... "wake up" call ? : )
My kind'a humor. -
Linda Joy
Lol I no longer have need for a wake-up call. But I do love my friends and enjoy the humor!
Only if you call the roll.
Good Evening everyone!
I see my reflection in the mirror but my mind is elsewhere so you should probably include me out while i go try to find it. Its always in the last place you look so I'll try to look there first this time..
Hello all.
I am here.😆
Responding to your roll czll Linda. BTW You're really on a roll here.
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