"Morgellons": never heard of them..."Chemtrails": heard of them and could be happening..."flat earth:...flat earth is an interesting topic. Makes me wonder why all the pictures of Earth never look the same...And why all this sudden activity at the South pole?
The Earth IS flat my friends. I have seen it! I put suction cups on my sneakers and hands, and scaled the inside surface of The Dome (that which you think of as 'the sky') like Spiderman . And I saw the Ocean Water which space is actually made of, on the other side of God's plastic dome He keeps us in. And I feared my brother, for I saw God's hand moving, as He was pondering picking the dome up and shaking it around like a snow globe (because He's PISSED at those who blaspheme, claiming the earth is GLOBULAR!) GLOBULAR!!!!!!!!!!!??? ARE YOU NUTS!! IT'S FLAAAAAT PEOPLE!! I'VE SEEN IT!!!!!!! {frothing , praying (and masturbating just a little)}. Wait!! Did he say "mining asteroids" ?? MINING ASTEROIDS ????!!! BLASPHEMER!!!!!!!!!!! You can't MINE ASTEROIDS!!! The only thing outside the dome is sea water, dumbass fake scientist!!!!! The earth is flat! Flat flat flat! And so am I. (No really, I am. Do you see any "third dimension" to this typing? Well there's your proof. I am a 2-dimensional being, as are we all.) And also, on my excursions, I saw the holy tie down ropes, which keep the "moon" from drifting away in the cosmic tide. Perhaps one day we will figure out how to make a door in the dome and sail ships in the seawater which is "space"...but of course, where would we go???? To heaven perhaps, to see God - the Holy keeper of the third dimension!!! PRAISE HIM!! PRAISE THE GOD OF THE FLAT EARTH!! AND PRAY THAT HE MAY FORGIVE YOUR HEATHEN GLOBULAR BELIEFS. FOR THEY ARE LIES. ALL LIES!! THE EARTH IS NOT ROUND!!! ITS FLAT!!!! I have spoken. {masturbating really hard now} Hallelujah! !! Ooooh LORD!! CAN I GET AN AMEN!!! WOOOOOO!! SPPPRRRPPPTHHH.....>> {spooge emerges, but does not escape the confines of the dome(of course)}.. Alright , now everybody sing together! Ready? __"SHINE ON, SHINE ON BIG FLAT MOON..."UP" IN THE WATER!!!!!!!" ...Praise God! Praise him. (He has self esteem issues, and needs it. Give Him a break.). Woo! IT'S FLAT, SINNERS!!! FLAAAAAT!! AND IT'S ALWAYS BEEN FLAT (except for that one time!)..
Mr PantsFellDown
Forgive me Linda. That wasn't written towards you at all. Just something I had posted at a you tube about the earth being flat, and I pasted it here. Their idea of god is that we are in a snow globe of sorts, and they think space is made of sea water (they do, they cite Genesis as saying something about oceans below AND ABOVE.... -
Linda Joy
They must have skipped Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, .... -
Mr PantsFellDown
Oh there you are! How you doin' today? How you feeling? Okay? I saw someone posted you a nasty answer to a breakfast question, and I thought maybe you had disappeared for a day or two. (I wasn't here yesterday myself.) (I've got a tired thing going on. *shrug*) But yea, don't take it personally when someone posts nastiness, because it isn't just here, it's anywhere you go on the internet, there will always be an occasional meany who doesn't view you as a person and just wants to post snipes as if they arent even talking to anyone. -
Mr PantsFellDown
I made a list at some point, of all the "theories" people are making beliefs of....It seems people don't feel they have control of anything, and don't feel those who do control things are being straight with them (or talking to them at all) they try to make sense by grasping at far fetched stories people come up with. During the election I kept running across people who were convinced that Hillary Clinton was actually a reptile in disguise (lol). And others who think the secret society that's in control is planning to kill a few billion of us to stabilize the environment. And etc. It's crazy. And it's shameful though, because if we were doing a half decent job of running our affairs AT ALL we'd have people feeling better about things and each other and their world than that! -
Linda Joy
I slept! It was magnificent! -
Linda Joy
The comment was removed. That was my goal. I just feel bad for those who may be teetering on the edge and that's all they need to push them over. Especially the kids. They already have another account. They're leaving nasty messages. I just tell them may God bless you and say a prayer for them. They're not going to get what they're looking for from me.
Sure the earth is flat. Just like Santa Claus is real. Oh and i got some great oceanfront property in Kansas to talk to you about.
No, but I do believe in peanut butter *CLAP* *CLAP *CLAP*
i dont
9-12-2017 I believe in "electric universe" which is politely called "non-standard theory". Most scientists believe in gravitational universe, space weather, dark matter, and other things that are not observable.
I do not think such things are real, and neither do my friends. I could not be friends with someone who is so naïve that he believes such "onara"!
Some of that stuff is bullshit. Chemtrails. Flat earth. Illuminati. Do I think the government is plotting against it's people? No. They're too busy trying to take each other's jobs, let alone come after us. Is there stuff the government keeps from us? Absolutely, and some of that stuff should be kept from the people. Are there concentration camps in the US? Stoopid idea.
no, i only believe in real stuff, not sure what that is
I know quite a few believe in "chemtrails and the Illumanti.
Yes, in chemtrails and the Illuminati.
Probably every individual person has at least one thing that they believe that the mainstream culture does not believe, at least in the USA. I know at least two people who profess to believe that the earth is flat. I am highly critical of this belief, since none of the alternate theories proposed by these people make a darn bit of sense. My dad had some pretty "out there" beliefs- 1. He didn't believe in gravity and that things fell down because of air pressure. He had reasons why this air pressure worked more on dense materials than light materials, but I can't explain it because I didn't understand it personally. 2. He believed that Hitler had escaped to Argentina on a submarine and was still alive and controlling the neo-nazis, despite being born before 1890. 3. He believed that the Titanic never sunk, but rather, people built another boat that was meant to look like the Titanic and purposely sunk it in order to collect the insurance money. I think he actually got that one from the same idiotic TV shows that a lot of folks who buy into these crazy theories watch. If you think about it for more than four seconds, you realize that building a replica of the Titanic to sink to the ocean floor many decades before research submarines could explore wrecks, it'd just be a highly expensive and time consuming endeavor that would serve zero purpose in convincing the insurance companies. It would have been far more effective to have just bribed a few people to lie about it sinking and collect the money without having to build a (in today's money) hundred million dollar replica of a half a billion dollar luxury ocean liner just to leave it as decoration for a bunch of sea cucumbers and then still have to bribe a bunch of people to have them say they participated in the rescue and bribe others to say they were aboard when it started going down. Anyway... I've got my own tin-hat beliefs myself- 1. The 2003 Iraq War was a setup to make defense companies rich - no one in the government honestly thought there were WMD's, they just saw an opportunity after 911 to bullshit the American people and the American people fell for it 100%. 2. The Oklahoma City bombing was totally not carried out by only two or three people. There exists at least one person closely connected to the attack who got away with it, but people were so emotional about it that they caught McVeigh and Nichols and eagerly closed the case prematurely. 3. The ATF totally burned those people in Waco Texas. While David Koresh was a piece of human garbage, a lot of innocent children died as a result, and also at least one of the officers killed in the siege was hit with friendly fire, but the public agencies responsible will never admit any wrongdoing. 4. All of the US presidents elected during our lives have been part of the same old boys club. A lot of the media's hatred toward Trump in particular was because he hypocritically tried to expose that whilst pretending that he wasn't also a huge part of it.
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