Don't have one as this is no longer the 90's when that kind of crap was the rage These days it's all about chatting to the girl and being empathetic to get her into bed.
Linda Joy
Be still my heart
"Can I park my submarine in your underwater harbour." Strangely enough, I am still a Virgin.
Linda Joy
That'd be perfect for a bar in Saint Marys Georgia called Snorkels it's submarine themed. There's a submarine base down there in Kings Bay. I was stationed there for a little over a year on a submarine tender called the USS Simon Lake. -
No way. That is my real name. Well, half of it. Small world. Anyway, Linda, can I park my submarine in your underwater harbour? -
Linda Joy
My ' underwater harbor' is permanently closed. Like the USS Simon Lake it's been decommissioned.
If I told you then I would have to pick you up, to cool you down.....
Linda Joy
You keep telling yourself that.
How are you? Yes it works that's why I have someone.
Linda Joy
Did you say it like Joey on 'Friends'? Lol
dont have one
When I was single, I started by asking for the time and then seeing how receptive they were to answering it.
A Chevy Silverado, a Dodge Ram and a Ford F-Series walk into a bar...
Hello, I'm independently wealthy.
Actually that's called a cat toy.
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