Guess no one cares...
No - I care and almost answered earlier but then after reading the description part I realized we were thinking differently. I was thinking of those lost and walking around not knowing they're dead without Christ.
Aaw *gives soft cuddly sock puppet hug to sad friend*
Linda Joy
Thank you! I needed that!
I'm not religious, but I know you have your faith to take solace in, and that's good. One of my favorite wisdoms I was fortunate to have shared with me along the way is the lesson that the very young know how to live better than adults do, who tend to forget how! You see, a toddler when confronted with a sad situation will immediately grieve, fully and openly and until the grieving is done. And we need to do that, for when we don't, it stays inside and gnaws, or worse waits until the right moment to sabotage us with a wave of anxiety we cant even explain. To avoid that sort of 'mystery' to have to suffer through, be like the child Linda Joy. Cry, it's okay. Sometimes we need to. And then we can feel better and move on. Life, like everything, has a beginning and an end. I too am struck lately with how so many people are becoming done. It says to me that I am approaching that time myself (and I don't even have anywhere to go!). Also..if one has not lived fully or well enough, there is sorrow in it being over, instead of the warm glow of basking in one's successes and victories and cherished memories and lived out dreams... DON'T miss out on anything you always needed to do. Celebrate your lost cousin, and other friends, but then look inward and find what you need to attend to so you will live, and have lived, fully. And stay in the right now; for the present is aptly named, it is a does not contain the past, so it has no does not concern the future, so it doesn't include having to is just living fully in the moment, which I have found is where joy is. And life is about joy. -having it, giving it, sharing it. Grieve Linda, so you may be done and get on with living. And don't hold back on either. *hugs again*
Mr PantsFellDown
I hope you feel better. Do you have a friend and some hot chocolate for this evening? Maybe you need a girlfriend to come over and share, including some laughs. :) That might be good. -
Linda Joy
You've been paying attention too! (Smiling) Thank you for this. Your soul is also immortal. My therapist usually comes on Thursdays. She pulled in yesterday but called me as she was pulling back out to postpone our visit till today because she was called back to the hospital to help a veteran who was 'acting out' so yes, we talked today. Yet another example of God moving in mysterious ways. Thank you for showing me your tender, caring side underneath the humor. I appreciate you!
It's sad that everyone of us was born dying. (Romans 5:12) "That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned
Well.... everyone who lives has to die. There is no need to be surprised about it. Rather, what you should be concerned about is that you are more distant than you think from people close to you.
Linda Joy
I didn't say I was surprised about it, and she lived over half a country away
Linda Joy
You do not! -
Linda Joy
My ex sister- in-law worked in the bone marrow transplant wing at UAB.
thats happened to me too but not recently, like i lost 4 family members one time in 2 yrs and two of them were my parents, havent had anyone die lately
Linda Joy
My ex-sister-in-law my social worker and my cousin all died earlier this year, within two or three months of each other. My sister committed suicide 3 years after my mother died but that was back in the 90s. -
thats hard losing so many at one time -
Linda Joy
I guess you get used to it as you get older. I know I'm starting to.
Everyone around me is gone everything passes everything ends.
Linda Joy
We're here.
Every once in a while I feel that way. But I am glad to have not felt it for a while. So I do care because just have not seen this until now. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Linda Joy
I am, thank you. -
Rick Myres
You're welcome.
I feel myself dying.
Linda Joy
Well, we are all dying anyway.
Yes - the answer is a simple Yes. I am Karin from fb. Nice to see you here.
Linda Joy
You remember Kimi and Wolvie? Who else? -
Russ, JesusMissionMom, and two others,,,I am very bad in remembering names, Linda. What was the name of Wolvie? -
Linda Joy
That was his name Wolvie he used to play two songs and asked us to choose which one we like best. How could I have skipped over The Rock?! He was smart! How's Dieter? -
Dieter has sometimes health issues, but he remains positive and has to deal with "slow-downs", he is 84, I am 81 and had breast cancer. I July 2015 I had bilateral mastectomy. Tamoxifen made my life pretty miserable up to the point where I had to quit taking it in February. We live now in Zephyrhills, FL - still in our big RV. We love it here. Right now we have strong subtropical downpours, but otherwise sunshine amass. We are good. I hope that your life is satisfactory to you. Miss you in fb. -
Linda Joy
I don't visit FB much lately. I'm sorry for your struggles, but they do strengthen us. May God bless you with strength and healing in Jesus name amen. My mother survived breast cancer. She was on tamoxifen as well. -
Thanks for your blessings, Linda. People in fb are concerned about you and your well-being, maybe you could write a sentence or two on your timeline? I could do it but I hope you do it. If you do not want to, I write on my timeline that I chatted with you online. -
Linda Joy
You know Mindy finally passed as well, right?
It makes sense to me, that if you're a Moron, you would want to die as soon as possible. So you could start pumping out babies on your own planet. And start your new career as a god.
Linda Joy
Does a moron really reason on that level? And what is your definition of moron? I have a niece with an I Q of 70 or 80 and another with an I Q of 40, so I'd just like to know what level of 'moron' we're talking about here. -
Linda Joy
I'll never make it to the Celestial Kingdom. I'll have an eternity of servitude, and I'll love it! -
Linda Joy
My niece? Pardon the typo. Don't bring your agenda against Mormons to me. I don't need your hatred and bigotry. If you want to come here and interact like a respectful adult you're welcome to participate in my questions. If all you're going to do is vomit hatred you're invited not to answer any more of my questions. I don't need your negativity. -
Linda Joy
I've stopped listening to you. God bless you and I'm praying for you.
Oh my, oh my ! Sweetie I'm so sorry. It's good to cry and to let it all out, that's how the "healing " begins. I know exactly how you feel. When I was a young man, I took it in stride and thought to myself it's just part of life .. You're born, you live, and you die. That was all fine and good until I got a little older and I realized that for some unknown reason to me ... I would out live almost all of the people that I have loved. As the years past, they went down faster and faster. Cancer seemed to be the reaper's favorite method, with heart attacks, accidents, drug overdose, & suicides running close behind...... I'm at a point in my life that I'm tired of giving eulogies, and in the last year alone I've buried 10 people that I held dear. Did I cry ? You can bet your sweet ass I did, for every last one of them !!!! They aren't coming back and I'm left behind to sort shit out for them. Is it fair ? No, it's not. But life goes on and we carry on. Every spring the trees and plants come back to blossom, and when they do ... I see my loved ones in those blossoms, and I find the courage to keep going on with my own life.
Sorry for all your losses, Ice Man. Your answer is priceless. I like friends who like to write like you do, with an open soul and with heart. -
Linda Joy
Thank you Iceman. This post is over a month old someone went looking for posts about death and dying I guess but it's nice to get new encouragement and this was a very sweet post thank you. I see spring like you do. -
Linda Joy
I'm sorry for your loss as well Iceman. I think the only solution might be to just keep on making new friends so you'll always have a few left around you. -
Ice man
@ Whitehair - Thanks Sweetie, every now and then I get sad when I think about the friends I've lost, Then I start thinking about friends like you .. and my world is a better place again. Thank you for your kind words Karen. XOXO -
Ice man
@ Linda - Thank You. Yes, you will make new friends, as I said "life goes on", when one candle is snuffed out .... another lights up. We just have to keep our hearts open and accept our new friends, regardless of where we might find them... -
Thanks to Ice man and Linda Joy for all you both said. The older one gets the more precious friends become....♥
We're all dying. Even you.
Linda Joy
From the day were born!
no just suffering...
The older you get the more friends go on vacation!
I just wish more would be!
Linda Joy
You wish more would be dying? Are they suffering? My mother suffered for quite a while before she died. -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
Lotsa waste unfortunately!
sonnetinnes but not lately
No, not everyone, but at my age (80) many of my friends are.
It is said that there are worse things than dying, and you're experiencing what that means. Dying is nothing - I've been there. What bothers me more is the pain and grief I'll be leaving behind when it finally happens for me. Don't cry for them - cry for the loneliness you'll feel without them. That's what it's all about.
Now that I am older, people my age are dying every day.
Everyone is on the death list so in a way people around me including myself are all on the way to a coffin at some stage. Our lives is like sand slipping through fingers since time is ticking away and we meet our death eventually. Sorry to hear about those who you lost. It’s never a pleasant feeling to lose someone. I can empathise with that because I’ve lost a few people who passed away and meant something to me.
Well, everyone that breathes around you is living.
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