When all goes to pot so bad, the wind goes out of your sails, don't try to sail anymore, go with it...hit the couch, watch a movie, eat a pizza, smoke something, whatever you do to relax. Then hit the hay. Then in the morning, a cup of coffee will start the juices flowing again and you'll feel like taking life on again.
I think most people try to go to bed early to bring a fast end to the day. -
Linda Joy
That doesn't work for me.
Bless your heart!! Leave it in the past its over, tomorrow is a new day. Pray. Do you want me to suggest some scripture references?
I only listed the highlights of the things that went wrong. AB doesn't have that much space in asking a Q. I may not say everything word for word or be able to give chapter and verse of where things are but I have the whole Bible, generally speaking, memorized. Written on my heart. It's always good to bring scriptures into rememberance as appropreate though. -
Linda Joy
Yes, and I remembered after I made this comment that you also have Concordance and such so I'm sure you can find what you need. -
Linda Joy
I'm guessing you have an index and topical guide as well. I've found its best not to list all the bad together, it can get overwhelming! Don't want to dwell there! -
Linda Joy
I do hope you're having a better day today! -
Same ol', same ol'. -
Linda Joy
I'm sorry. I hope you find your joy despite your happenings.
Here's how to rebound:
Thanks. Maybe some day I'll follow links. -
Linda Joy
I forgot. In fact for a few minutes there I couldn't remember what I posted. Its shake like you're changed.
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