Mine is pink
Pink makes the boys drink. -
Linda Joy
You know as well as I do any excuse would work! -
Without lubrication there would be no fornication. -
Seymour Butts
Theres a reason why pink rhymes with stink. Because pink stinks. -
Linda Joy
May God bless you. -
pink is nice but gold and white are my second and third royal blue first -
Linda Joy
White and I don't get along! I can't keep it clean! When I was in the service I had to keep a small bar of white soap in my pocket every time I wore my dress whites in order to rub out, or at least diminish any spot that got on them.
Grey. Like my Soul.
Black. It goes with everything.
Linda Joy
I like Black, too! I like black by itself and black with red and black with pink those are my favorites. -
Black and red is one of my favorite combinations. -
There was this great line I wrote in my high school, back then everybody had autogrough books and we would write a great message to them I went to the last page the next one was naturally a black piece of cardboard, and wrote" May your soul never turn the color of the next page" Unique and went over big -
Linda Joy
Is dead presidents a color?
Linda Joy
It is if you want it to be.
Royal Blue tooooo Easy
Linda Joy
I've taken a liking to cobalt blue lately. I wish I could find more yarn in that color.
ive never had a favorite color , not sure why
My favourite is pink. 🐩🐽🌼🌸Reason, it's suits girls a lot.
Linda Joy
pink is my favorite too! Especially hotpink!
Blue/Green like a Teal
white and pink
Purple is my favourite. Pink is a close second.
i like thenn all, i dont have a favorite
Jenny The Great ⭐
Including vomit green by your answer? lol
Black. It is a mysterious color that represents elegance.
Linda Joy
I don't see it that way, but I do like black. It goes with anything and makes other colors pop! I like using it in crochet with really bright colors like hotpink and red and neon green or cobalt blue! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "I don't see it that way," And whoever said all humans were created with the same taste? The answer is no one. I'm not into bright neon colors as you are. So the answer I gave speaks for myself.
My favorite color is blue
Vomit green
Linda Joy
I once worked as a CNA in a nursing home when there was a virus going around. They were spewing from both ends! But I've never seen green vomit. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Green vomit usually indicates liver or gall bladder problems. Food poisoning often causes a lot of bile to release. Sorry to hear that you had to go through that and didn't even get to see the pretty colours, though. LOL
Orange is my first favourite colour and my second favourite is purple
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