I'm going to go out on a limb and say ....28.
Linda Joy
That is young! There was that one girl who had a baby when she was only 5!!! My mom was only 36. I think that's young. -
Ice man
I agree.
My mother became a grandmother at 36 when my eldest sister had her first baby at 17.
Linda Joy
My mom was 36 as well, only her second daughter had the first one -
When my eldest sister had her first baby at 17, it made me an aunt at 12. Lol:) -
Linda Joy
I was 7 or 8 when I became an aunt.
not sure
That's irrelevant because it's out of your control. What it comes down to is at what age is it too young to be a parent.
in your 20's
6 months (tell me I'm wrong...)
Linda Joy
You win!
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