My car is currently impounded, oh and prob should include the fact that im also out of the state where i actually live or know anyone, i owe more money than i have or had any luck come up with...i also don't have any family or friends who can help either...i don't have alot to work that could be helpful in finding a solution...i have the title and registration to the car though so guess what I'm asking for is ideas on ways to come up with the cash to get my car that in hopes that there is some thing i haven't thought of. 2) Can i get a loan is borrow money some how using my title if its not possible to have the car with me, figure most people will want to visibly see the car before lending me any money, not sure though... Tbh i have literally no experience with dealing with anything or situation like this... PLZ HELP?!!
Getting my car or if impound while out of state and with no money, the only thing i have in my possession that could possibly help supply a solution is the title and registration to the car
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