Is that alliteration or just repetitive grammar...?
Ice man
Yes,Yes,Yes.... -
Oh how long I have waited to hear you mutter these breathless words behind me...... -
Ice man
You've been licking the marmite jar again, haven't you. -
Yes, whilst sniffing the warm beer.... -
Linda Joy
Ice Man can I ask you a few questions while you're saying yes? ; ) ; ) Wait... never mind, you might tell me to go to lick the marimite jar!. -
Ice man
Not much chance of that, Beaker won't put it down. ; )
I've never seen it, but this question made me laugh! I think it's quite fitting.
I hope they get as much spam in their mailboxes.
it's karma
I'd rather see a troll trolling another troll.
I'd rather see a scammer scamming a scammer. Or lick the marmite jar.
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