I need to know everything is going to be ok first. : ( Sometimes I just need to hear it.
It will be OK. -
Boola Boo
thank you. -
OC Joe
Just five more minutes. Just five more minutes. Just five more minutes. Just five more minutes. Just five more minutes. Just five more minutes. -
Boola Boo
hahahaha, silly. -
Stop all that bickering or I'll turn the car around right now! -
Linda Joy
I'm wondering if the OC in OC Joe stands for obsessive compulsive. He said just five more minutes six times he probably should have stopped at 5 that would have been more appropriate. Oops, maybe it's my OC that's showing now! -
Linda Joy
No,Anoname! I'm driving now, remember? You just turned me loose with Garmin! -
Yeah, but I'm not sure letting a woman driver loose was such a hot idea. -
Linda Joy
Too late! You're done! And I'm holding the fork, so don't push your luck. ;-) I mean here sugar, I got you an ice cold Pepsi and vanilla ice cream, so you can chill, sweetie! Don't worry, honey I got this. -
A bit bi-polar of a response, 'yo. Now I'm even more nervous about your driving. How about you give the wheel back to me.....once I finish the ice cream and pepsi.
My kids never once said that. If they had I'd have probably asked them do you want to get out now?
Fun game for the kids - annoying to the adults. -
Linda Joy
I guess it helps when you only have one at a time. -
I'm pulling over. It's your turn to drive. -
Linda Joy
Ok. Do I need to know where we're going or are you just gonna tell me when to turn? -
Linda Joy
Lol this page crashed 3 times while I was trying to post this -
Just follow the Garmin. Destination is set. -
Linda Joy
You're not going to sleep are you? What kind of music do we have playing? Do we have snacks? -
Linda Joy
I've never been with a man that was equipped with a Garmin before! Lol I might actually be able to expect complete sentences now! -
Garmin was for your benefit. As a man I need no map. -
Linda Joy
Right! Men never ask for directions! FYI I've never needed a Garmin or complete sentences to navigate before either! [Yo-yo!]
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