Japanese (moderate) little Korean (poor) Filipino (fluent) and English (poor)
Ice man
4 languages, that's excellent ! Good for you, and I would say your English is a lot better than poor. So where are you from ? -
But i thought my English was not enough, i need to make it better. Can you guess where i came from? -
Ice man
I'm not good at guessing so please don't be offended ... but since you know PSY's dancers are very expensive .... I'm going to guess ... South Korea ? -
WOW! but I'm just a fanatic :) All that matters is I'm from Asia. :D -
Good for you Myang! you are tops in my book on AB! -
Really? O.O I'm so grateful about it! Thank you so much!
American English (southern style) some Tex-Mex that sometimes passes for Spanish. and Pig Latin fluently. Isn't Myang great?!
Wow! I would like to learn Pig Latin as well.. then are you asking about me? ^_^' -
Yes, I am commenting oh how nice you are. Pig Latin is easy to speak but somewhat difficult to understand when spoken to someone. -
ouyea ancea peaksea igpea atinlea fiea ouyea antwea otea -
haha! so rhyme! you're like reading a poem. what do you mean by that? -
What about me ? im just so ordinary hehe -
Translation of pig Latin: "You can speak pig Latin if you want to" -
Myang you are far from ordinary, You are a precious jewel!
I speak American English, Spanish, Yokutsan, a little southern Miwok and a little western Mono.
Only English fluently. In my school days I learned a significant amount of Spanish, German and Latin...but never enough to consider myself fluent in any of them.
Just the one language which is English. I know literally a few words in Spanish and Polish but that’s it. I’m only fluent in English
I can get by in Canada (as long as I stay out of Quebec - they have a strange sense of humor) and I can hold my own at a schnell imbiss as long as I stick with a currywurst and pomme frites.
Just English language
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