Standing in my own kitchen. It's getting harder to find old style popping corn.
I just popped some in clarified butter...Thanks, Ice man.
Home. We stopped buying microwave popcorn years ago. We stove pop it.
Microwave popcorn is bad for your health...Thanks, Temperance Brennan
3-12-2017 I was at home. A coin dealer mailed it to me for Christmas because I bought some coins.
I just bought some Silver Eagles...Thanks, Jewels Vern...Are you "SmartAZ" on another Q&A website? -
Jewels Vern
SmartAZ, Prospector, Saul Mine, and that guy.
In my living room or bedroom.
Mr PantsFellDown
. -
Linda Joy
I didn't say I ate popcorn in my bed. I don't have any animals or stuffed animals. My mother never really cared much what I did except to finish high school that's the only thing she ever asked of me, and she's been dead about 25 years now. The last time I had non microwave popcorn was just a few minutes ago in my living room while watching NCIS season 7. It might be a nice gesture if you got Nunya's child a gift. But I doubt it will persuade her. She's smart!
a movie theatre!
The local arthouse theater in town
I have a popcorn maker. Microwave and stove popcorn doesn't even compare
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