I don't. My grandfather is dying from a mass in his lungs from years of smoking. So, I don't.
John Player Specials, or Dunhills.
I don't. The smell is enough that I would never smoke. Let alone the potential health problems. (Again, not to offend anyone.)
Superkings Black i smoke these because they are longer than kingsize and i could smoke 2 kingsize to 1 superking,so in my mind im smoking less lol.
i used to smoke marb. lights because that is what my dad smoked and i used to steal them from him but now i smoke the new Camel #9 because they are a lot smoother then marb lights
Handrolled pure Wacky Tabacky
virginia ultra light menthol
I smoke Matinee Slim Kings. I started smoking them to spite my friends (I can't remember what brand I used to smoke, but my friends said it was a weeny brand and that I should switch because it embarrassed them, which I thought was ridiculous, so I switched to the weeniest brand I could think of, Matinee Slim 100s, but after awhile I switched to the king size because the 100s didn't fit in my case), but now I like them for their own sake. I don't smoke very often, so when I do smoke I can't handle anything very harsh.
Peter Jackson Kingsize. the red package.
i smoke wave menthols and i pay 3 dollars a pack
Camel. $7.25
Well I've tried Kool XL Menthols and Marlboro Menthol Smooths. So far, I like the Smooths better.
the second hand yet still deadly kind
jhon player's goldleaf dunhill marblo melburn goldflack business man embassy
winfield blue... $13.50 a pack... why are urs so cheap. That's a huge tax. Hmph! I guess it means i don't smoke when im poor which is essentially good for my health.
Cheyenne little cigars. there not really cigars. just the wrapping paper is. the filling is regular cigarette tobacco. there only a $1.00 a pack cause theirs no tax on anything labeled cigars. lol. they taste great.
The wife and I both smoke Marlboro menthols.
Marlboro Red nd Lights
Newports in VA I could get a pack just over $3.. here in NY they're more than $6. I saw a carton of Marlboro's for like $65 up here!! In VA you could get them for $28!!!
Camel No. 9 Menthol
I do not smoke cigarettes, but I love cigars, Gurka, Monties, TTT
Smoking Joes Premium Lights box kings ( non menthol ). They taste like a cross between a Winston and a Marboro Light. Not too bad really. And they are cheaper since we get them on the reservation. The wife smokes the same - the girls smoke Marboro light menthols last time I noticed - ( yuck!).
what ever kind the guy who's presence I can not escape is smoking. it really sucks when from outside my car they stink up my car
I rarely smoke and never buy so just if I am offered one will I take one. Any brand as long it is offered to me; which does not happen as often as it use to.
The non-existant kind.
I smoke Extra Length Vintage Nat Sherman 164's, Vintage Extra Long Joystick 150's, and I make my own Customized Version of Extra Length, 9.5" Long, Max Menthol 220's.
I haven't smoked In years, but when I did, I use to smoke Marlboro red or sometimes Newport menthols =)
I quit about three years ago but up to that point, I smoked American Spirit.
none, ive never snnoked in nny life
I don't. The last nicotine I toked was from a vape cherry flavor. It wasn't mine. I didn't like it either. The last cigarette? I don't remember the name but it had a filter you squeeze and it would pop and that's where the menthol was. I don't like menthol either. Its just what was available. The last cigarettes I bought were probably Marlboros over 20 years ago.
I used to smoke menthols but I quit
Never smoked cigarettes. since trying it for 3 days in high school.
Camels or Lucky Strikes
I'd walk a mile FROM a camel.
Don't smoke cigarettes, instead, drink cigarette juice:
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