We do not.
Ice man
Me either. If they make a mistake they can clean out, and you have to fight to get it back.
No way...I'm old school because I still write checks or pay cash.
Ice man
Same here, I pay my bills at the bank counter in person. If there's an error on a bill - I take it up with who ever sent the bill before I pay it.
Sometimes you have to! My won't take anything else. Greedy bastards want their money 12:01 first day of month! Usually no. Jan. 25
Ice man
Couldn't you give them post dated cheques, instead of just giving them the freedom of taking an over-payment in the event of a mistake ? -
Nope they won't do it any other way! Jan.26 GREED
No, I do not.
Ice man
I don't either. -
You need to get a new insurance company!
1-25-2017 I run into a slightly different problem. They want to gouge me a couple of bux for using plastic. That is stupid because it costs them a couple of bux to print a bill and mail it.
Ice man
I've not heard of that before, and you're right that just doesn't make sense...
Hello to the NO
Ice man
LOL Thanks : )
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