I think it would weaken the black market and by default that would help the economy.
the black market won't be effective by it -
Ice man
@ Murg - That's the idea in principal, and the tax collected should amount to a major windfall. Imagine all the infrastructure we could have without our properties being taxed to death. However, I don't see legal outlets keeping up with supply & demand - therefore creating a backdoor economy open to the unblemished black market suppliers. -
Ice man
@ jeff- Smoke a few more joints - it sharpens your writing skills. BTW, you misspelled - "effected". Or did you mean ... "affected" ? : P -
we are dough
My joints ache after walking around the island..... -
Ice man
Time for a soak in the cesspool ? -
I think the black market IS affected by it. Here in AR, permits for medical marijuana are LITERALLY being sold (no medical review or physical required) by certain physicians. Once you have the permit, you have the opportunity to buy high-grade marijuana at a reasonable price (i.e. much lower than street price). In my experience, these permit holders sell freely to their friends. Now: that's GOT to be biting SIGNIFICANTLY into "street corner" marijuana sales...and profits.
I don't know but is too bad. Like legalized gambling. People who just think pot is the greatest thing around and go all gaga over it to me seem not to have much of a life.
Ice man
I agree on all points. I would rather see it decriminalized for smaller amounts, than legalized all together. That way cancer patients aren't busted and the prisons could go back to institutionalizing real criminals for a change. For what it costs to keep a person in prison today I'm more than sure the national economy would see a healthy correction. -
Yes I agree as well. And when I was young I did it pretty much, along with other things. Some people will not do it at all and others just on occasion but seems to bad to have the state involved in its growing and sales - which sets a bad example. As things are a lot of people do it but discreetly and that is OK to me. Just became legal here in MA recently and on a trip to a mall before Christmas I could smell that some people were doing it. -
Ice man
Lord knows we all did copious amounts of anything that came around when we were young, myself included. I stopped years ago, but know many that still do discreetly and I'm fine with that too. I just don't want some snot nosed kid walking up to me and saying "Hey man, I'm a few bucks short for getting high, can ya help me out. It's legal ya know". -
we are dough
"Hey Ice Man, I'm a few bucks short for getting high, can ya help me out. It's legal ya know"....... -
Ice man
Hey kid, get outta here before I call the fuzz....
What is an economy....?
Ice man
It's like a colonoscopy, but it's done with a plumbing snake and only cost's ten dollars. Wanna have a go ?
The US economy is huge and any one thing making a significant change in that economy is very unlikely. The less obvious source of helping the economy, beside making money on tax collected, is the monumental expenditure in attempting to force people to stop smoking marijuana. After about 70 years of doing that we have made virtually no progress. It is a crazy disproportionate waste of resources and the negative affects of marijuana are minimal and no where near worth that cost.
Ice man
I agree. Thanks
Taxes would be collected and less drug related crime will happen.
What crime is generated my Marijuana apart from growing it selling it and not paying taxes on it can I ask?
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