I'm all for pulling up a lawn chair in the driveway & watching the show with a cold beer in my hand. Sometimes it's quality entertainment. : )
we are dough 68
What's in your other hand ? -
Ice man
My camera so I can take pictures of the joyous occasion. -
we are dough 68
You can do it one-handed ? You should be in the circus. -
Ice man
What do you mean "should be" ? I'm the head ring master. -
we are dough 68
So THAT piece of graffiti was correct, then. Make sure you douche thoroughly every time. And a light shave wouldn't go amiss. -
Ice man
I prefer to use Neet. -
we are dough 68
The Indian guy from "Carole's Carpets ?" Your standards are declining faster than Tesla shares ! -
Ice man
Don't knock him till you try him, and I dumped my Tesla shares when Donald cleared off a shelf in hopes of winning the Nobel Peace Thingy. -
we are dough 68
I'd rather knock him out, than try him. And I've told you before, I don't want your sloppy seconds. As for Sir Donald, no World Wars have broken out since He came to power. FOUR MORE YEARS !!! -
Ice man
Jeezus H. You really are trying to get to the top of the leader board ! -
we are dough 68
All's fair in love and Answerbag. Apart from the Penalty Box. That sucks. Like Kevin Spacey at a Gay Pride after-party. -
Ice man
Well I'll give you all of my points to help you out, and all I can say is ... You go girl !!
I'd bring my ghetto blaster outside and play this song to them:
Ice man
They don't speak English, but it might still be funny to watch. : ) -
I too would grab a beer and pull up a chair..I might even put on a pair of 3D glasses.
Ice man
That could get scary, especially when the cops show up. : ) Hey did you get a chance to see that video of "Talking Tom" ? I gave you the link in your ans. to that Straight Jacket Q. -
Yes, it's hilarious..Evidently Moose are easy to sneak up on. -
Ice man
The bastards think they have the mail delivery contract and step out when ever they please. lol -
we are dough 68
Language ! There are ladies present ! -
Ice man
Oh yeah, name 50.
This question is so funny, but it's known that if you interfere with a arguing'll get both of their anger.
Ice man
No problem Sweetie, pull up a chair and join us. I've got a cooler full of beer, Azlotto brought 3D glasses, and Crazychick brought the ghetto blaster. : ) -
demorgans in a COAT of Good Grace
Lol -
Ice man
How the "HELL" did you get in here ? You can't be finished reading the old testament yet. That'll be -10 points for the use of the words chair, century, and sugar. And an additional -20 for the use of the word, & devil's own creation ..Marmite. -
we are dough 68
Schucks ! Another -40 points is going to kill my attempt to topple Linda Joy on the leaderboard. I need to ask more "Harry Potter" and "Can I Get Pregnant" questions now. And I was going to dig a new long drop this afternoon. -
Ice man
Okay, Okay ... stop crying and go dig your hole out. I'll give you back -50 points so you can have your shot at the coveted top spot on the leader board. But don't be too disappointed if she still gets more points. You have to remember ... She has much nicer tits than you do. -
we are dough 68
You fool ! Another -50 points takes me below even that chatterbox of chatterboxes, Pearl Lederman ! I wasn't crying, some dust got in my eye, and just because Linda's tits are below her naval, doesn't make them nicer than mine ! -
Ice man
What's this you say ... you want Pearl to get on top of you ? You beast !! -
Linda Joy
My tits are not below my navel! I make sure to eat enough so that never happens!! I seriously thought I might loose Ms. Right last year, but we kicked cancer's butt in 9 weeks! Still dealing with the aftercare, though.
I don't usually notice, but last week I saw a couple fighting in front of my window and he was putting hands on her, pushing her, and even broke her strap on her dress! I put a stop to that! Of course he wanted to explain. Each of them said something about calling the cops. I shut the door and he started again! I told them both if they didn't stop I'd be the one calling the cops! Fighting is one thing but I don't care which sex you are you don't abuse each other! And if my neighbors are fighting I usually just turn up the music. Fighting gets my stomach in knots! I don't even like to be around when someone starts raising their voice. I've had enough of that to last a lifetime what with my parents and my own marriage. No, thank you! I'd rather dance!
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