Right now the more appropriate question pertaining to me is how long will it be before I'll be a parent. I still haven't found love.
Ice man
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. It's a new year & full of hope. You never know when cupid is going to take aim at you. I'm single too. [flirty wink & a smile] ; ) -
Temperance Brennan
Very true, thank you for the sentiment.
My son reaches 13 this year, so it could be less than ten years from now.
Ice man
Well I guess that gives you plenty of time to brush up on "Grandparenting" skills. lol : ) -
20 years or more.
This would take at least 20 years. First I would marry, then have children, they grow up to marry and have children.
probably never since ive never had kids
I'm already grand! I was a grandma 3 mos after turning 39. If history repeats I may be a great grand soon!
I don't see it happening, Ice man. The reason? I'm almost 49 and have no children, don't want any.
Hopefully, no sooner than 18 years.
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