I use to think you could only eat it when you cut in half and dig it out.
Ice man
And now ?
I saw it in half and dig it out with a spoon...I sharpened a spoon that I use for digging tasks like that.
Ice man
I have a few pointed spoons with serrated edge tips that were designed for digging into grapefruit, but I haven't used them in years. I prefer to peel off the skin and break down the slices like an orange. -
Ice man
I get less squirts in the eye that way, if ya know what I mean. : )
01-01-2017 Wow, what a weird life you have had so far!
@Jewels Vern...If you're addressing me, yes, a weird life I do have...My reply is an answer to Ice man's question that got mixed into comments...This site is a work in progress :) -
Umm, never mind...My comment just turned into an answer. -
Jewels Vern
I was replying to the OP, especially the part about drowning it in sugar. -
Ice man
@ Jewels - I would hardly call my life weird. Colorful and filled with experiences and adventure would be more like it. I've been fortunate enough to travel far and wide. In my travels, I have enjoyed learning how the culture, food customs and habits of people differ from one place to the next. You could say it has broadened my horizons. I like the tart flavor so I prefer to peel a grapefruit and eat it piece by piece, the same way I would eat an orange. Maybe that's not the way you do it, but that doesn't mean it's weird - only different. I have also known many who find grapefruit too bitter and they put sugar on top of their cut in half fruit. Again not weird - only different. -
Jewels Vern
I hope I have not caused offense. My comment was eight months ago and I can not now remember why I said that. -
Ice man
@ Jewels - don't worry about it. My (short peckered) buddy "Beaker" was calling me weird, not you. He's just being his usual weird self.... he sucks grapefruit right out of a can. lol
I saw it in half and dig it out with a spoon, but before I dig it out I stick a cherry in the centre.
Ice man
That looks very decorative. Something else that takes it one step farther when serving guests, is to carefully cut the the grapefruit in half by puncturing it to the center on angles with a very sharp knife. So as to have sharp tooth like ridges, instead of just flat sawing it in half. It is more work and takes a bit of practice, but your guests will be impressed. I probably mangled 6 or 7 before I got the hang of it, and I cook for large crowds. : )
Peel it seed it put it in a blender. I usually do 6 at a time (that's how many come in a bag here) add sweetness pour into Tupperware hamburger freezer containers and freeze. Then I have several servings of individually frozen treats. I eat them frozen to slushy. Haven't had one in years though.
Ice man
Interesting. But don't be too surprised if Jewels calls you weird. ; ) -
Linda Joy
At least I admit it! Lol I don't think I could fake being normal if I tried. And I don't even try anymore. -
I cut them in half, used to add sugar but no more. in fact I can't even have grapefruits no more due to medications. and if you want to get jiffy about this my grapefruits are lacking testosterone so they need a boost as well. -
Linda Joy
Roaring posted a question on that. Here's the link.
Ice man
Yes, but do you eat the can too ? Like to get the full benefit ? Waste not, want not ... you know. : )
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