Cadbury offers a flavour of Dairy milk chocolate which is made up of sea salt. I had it once and it was not that bad.
Ice man
I haven't seen the Cadbury one yet, but when I do ...I'll try it too. A friend of mine was selling chocolate bars for his granddaughters' school project and I just reached into the box and randomly picked one out, gave him the money and put the bar into my jacket pocket with out looking at it. Later I realized I had selected a bar that was made with sea salt, and thought "Oh my, this is going to taste like crap", but I tried it anyway. Like yourself .... I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't that bad after all, and I kind of liked it. Thanks for your answer. : ) . -
hey it`s not sold single, it comes in the form of a gift pack. In that pack they give 4 types of dairy milk`s, and one of them is of sea salt. And really, it was good.
not yet, never heard of it
No, my body does not tolerate sodium well.
Ice man
You must do a lot of label reading. There is a massive amount of sodium in a lot of food products today. -
Linda Joy
They even inject it in the meat! I try to stick mostly with fresh fruits and vegetables.
No. A few have washed up on my beach tasting of sea salt, tho. Does that count ?
Ice man
not yet
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