No not at all - that is their business. I know a man who did take his wife's name. Guess he would function just fine unless he has a psychological problem with it.
Nosmo King
Then why did I see something on the old AB that suggested that if a man getting married takes the woman's last name people would have a hard time respecting him as a man? Every time I see anything like that I always challenge it by posting something of the reverse. It seems to me that some people have a psychological problem with that. Why do you think that is, officegirl? -
Don't know - you would have to ask them. I took my husband's because I wanted to and I liked his better than mine. No I think a waste of time for you to "challenge" because we are different - even if mostly we are alike. Generally men and women think differently an with different emphases and value different things. Which does not mean btw it is any hard and fast rule. There is room for all kinds of personal variation. -
Nosmo King
I challenge anything that is at odds with my horoscope, officegirl. I would be wasting my time if I didn't. Of course there is room for all kinds of personal variation, but society doesn't always seem to allow for that, does it? -
"Society" is not some kind of monolithic leviathan but just consists of people like you and me. -
Nosmo King
OK then, officegirl, what word should I have used instead of "society"? That's what most people say, but I will accept it as being incorrect if you tell me what the correct term is.
I have heard of men taking their wives' surnames and they are no less respected than other men. What made you ask this question?
Nosmo King
I saw the reverse of it among the older questions. I don't have the link to it right now. -
I should have guessed. Lol:) -
Nosmo King
Well, a childhood friend changed his last name. And he is divorced today. I don't know the underlining issues in their marriage. I just thought it sort of emasculated him. I just didn't understand why they both didn't just kept their names instead of going down that road.
Nosmo King
How does it "emasculate" him? I don't understand.
12-31-2016 Your name is anything you say it is. It has nothing to do with manliness.
Yes, definitely unmasculine.
Nosmo King
Please explain in a logical way how it affects the function of a man's penis.
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