Sure would I like to fly~I was a door gunner in the service! Heights don't scare one bit. Dec. 14
Ice man
Heights don't scare me either, but my hat is off to you sir and I'm (Educated guess) going to guess you flew in a "Huey". That would have been a thrill and a half for me. In as much as I've flown in Sikorsky's - it just ain't the same. I was Navy. : )
Where I use to live we would see them regularly and I'm sorry I didn't pursue going for a ride then. The only time I've seen them in recent years is when I've been trucking out west, early in the morning.
I'd like to, but I've never been. Another thing for the bucket list.
Ice man
Yes, exactly, once again thank you Bill. : )
I'd love it! Especially if I could catch a sunrise or Sunset up there
Ice man
Sunrise maybe, but I wouldn't want to be up there after sunset. -
Linda Joy
Not much after. It might not be safe
7-2-2017 When I was younger I felt like that was less excitement than I could stand. Now I don't have the patience.
Ice man
They won't let you on if you don't.
Hell yes! Done it twice. It's just so expensive I have trouble finding others to go with
Ice man
Cool, about the ride that is. How much did it cost you ? -
The first time was around $200, and the second time was around $250 per person. That was 10 and 5 years ago. Both times was a shared ride with other people besides me +1 -
Ice man
Thanks. I guess it's one of those things you have to do at least once in your life.
I have not yet, but it is on my bucket list!
Ice man
Me too, but now I'm not sure I can afford it.
no thanks, ive heard of people getting hurt in them
Can I bring Linda with me ? How easy is it to accidentally push someone over the side ? Just askin'.
Ice man
Sure why not. How easy is it to tip a canoe ? Just sayin' .. -
Lilo Avli
Depends on the length of the shaft and the thickness of the paddle, I imagine. -
Ice man
That's what Linda said too. -
Lilo Avli
Her memory ain't that good. The last time was during her tour in Vietnam, back in 1985. -
Ice man
It might have something to do with all that agent orange guy she was seeing back then.
I've never been attracted by the idea. My mother took one for her 75th birthday, though. She'd had the yen for several years, and my brother gave it to her as a present.
I totally would. I need to add it to my bucket list LOL
Hell no! That would tick both acrophobia and agoraphobia check-boxes.
I never have. I'd go. I am certain a hot air balloon ride will be a romance, going over the countryside.
I don't believe I would ever go for a hot air balloon ride. Terrified of heights.
I have never been up in a hot air balloon. I would want to check the maintenance log books before I went as I know of one very important AD concerning the out flow valve in the top of the balloon requiring inspection every few hours.
Been on a few hot air ballons. Its a great view its not scary you don't think its going to crash at least when the wind is light.
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