Hi! Neither. I am a Christian but do not believe in celebrating Christmas as a religious holiday simply because it is not the day Jesus was born. We keep a secular holiday and it has fallen to me to feed family and friends. When I was newly married I offered to do it and I've quite been designated as the official cook/hostess ever since. So bring a chair (we really don't have enough!) and take a plate. Goodness this year I had to do Thanksgiving meal as well. Wish me luck.
Ice man
Good luck. -
Thank you. -
Moving Violation
Why do you "GOOMBAS" keep erasing the year and reposting it???? 12 10 2022
Xmas is just a merchants day!! Dec. 13
Ice man
Soooooo that's a Bah- humbug ? lol
Christmas just sort of wore out its welcome. Whatever it was supposed to be, it never made the grade. Although it worked pretty well for Coca Cola, who invented it.
Ice man
Coca Cola, Really ?? And here I thought it was the Charles Dickens story of "A Christmas Carol" that started it all. Goes to show you what I know. ; ) -
Jewels Vern
Most of the current impressions of Christmas were formed by Bing Crosby.
A little of both. It depends on who I'm shopping for. I go all out for my husband and close friends and family, but I feel a little more "Bah-Humbug" when I need to get something for other people.
Ice man
I think that's both reasonable and understandable. As others are pointing out - Christmas has become too commercialized and very expensive. ; )
On Christmas eve i go to my grandma's house and we open presents,and on Christmas day,i open the presents my mom and dad got me and then we go to my aunt's house.
Crap i misread the question... sorry :c -
Ice man
That's okay, I would still call all your activity as "going all out". Thanks for answering : )
I love giving gifts! But I don't wait till Christmas to give gifts. I give them all year long. Christmas used to be a lot more fun when I had children around.
its boring, my family is jewish and my friends wont ask me over
Moving Violation
Come over to my place we will discuss how you can jet a job if you can not do the job you can get a tutor to help you there is no reason why you can not get a job they will help you find a job according to your abilities if needed furnish transportation. 12 10 2022
Bah-humbug for me. I don't celebrate Christmas but I do love Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and Saviour.
boring, my family is jewish and noone ever asks me over
Moving Violation
You can come over to my place. 12 10 2022
no, my family is jewish so i dont bother
I try to go all out if I can. There’s nothing like a good celebration, bringing friends and family together to enjoy everything we are thankful for in life.
I don't celebrate Christmas.
Use to go all out! Now I just buy gifts for kids and other required stuff for parties at work and school. Not a scrooge, things are just expensive and what everyone expects seems to have become more.
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