What is a super moon?
Ice man
The term "super moon" is used to describe a full moon at its perigee ? the point in the moon's orbit when it is closest to Earth, causing it to appear up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter in the sky. -
Black Mystique
Just saw a WSJ segment video on the super moon but I saw it tonight~! Wow! It's so close and beautiful~!
I saw it. Wasn't earth shattering. Looked the same as any others.
Ice man
I saw it too, it's definitely bigger and brighter but tonight is just the warm up. Tomorrow night is supposed to be the big event as it will be closer to us. -
Ice man
Where I live I'm away from bright city lights, and the sky is dark. I don't know where you are viewing it from but if you're in a city that could be affecting your view of it
if I recall correctly it look pretty good right here in the city.
Oh yes. I'll set my alarm clock right away.
Ice man
I'm overjoyed. -
we are dough 68
Joyed who ? -
Ice man
I'm pretty sure you've met her.. -
we are dough 68
I've been alone on this island for 49 years. I have never met anyone. Except in my fantasies. -
Ice man
That's why I said " I'm pretty sure you've met her". And I hear there's a half deflated beach ball, in your collection, with her name on it . -
we are dough 68
I turned that particular beach ball into a makeshift toilet seat. Over my long drop. -
Ice man
What happens when you fall in ? -
we are dough 68
Did you ever see "Willy Wonka", where that fat boy falls into the chocolate river ?
Oooops I missed it! Now that it is 2018.
Ice man
There was another one on January 1, 2018, I'll bet you missed that one too. Right ? Well just so you know in advance ... The next supermoon is set to appear on January 21, 2019. : ) -
Rick Myres
Yes I missed that one as well. And most likely forget the upcoming one. People can tell me their name and the next time I see them is as a zoom from my memory. -
Ice man
LOL ! Write it on the wall. : )
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