No way. Not downtown. And I'm at work, so no. I still have more errands to do, and to walk downtown with no shoes is... DISGUSTING. EEW. What's with all the foot questions?
I have my shoes off right now and until I have to go out I will not wear shoes. I don't like to wear shoes at all if I can help it.
no, I am at work, and,, leaving to visit a jobsit shortly, I wish I could but, no.
I just did. My little nieces are on the way over, and when they see my bare feet, they will tickle them, like they always do. I can't wait for them to get here!
I *would* and am barefoot now but I have to go to a meeting later this evening.
Even if I could, I wouldn't - Still will be taking the dogs out at least once before wife gets home, and maybe once or twice after that! ... And right now, it's 29 degrees here! ;-)
If I was actually wearing shoes and socks I really would :) But I'm bare foot now. And I will be for the last two and a bit hours of the day....
In two months from now, when it is warm enough. It is best to let your feet air out as much as possible, to avoid fungus problems from sweating.
Yes i would willing, i am sitting at my computer in bare feet and have been bare foot in the past so untill i have to put them on, they stay off
I would but I had a job interview today, but I have done it in the past.
Yes I would, in fact I took my shoes and socks off hours ago.
I never puton shoes unless I have to, so yeah : ) +4
Shoes and socks are always off. Even when I go out I wear flip flops. I love being barefoot all the time.
I like wearing flip-flops, I don't like being barefoot. -
Linda Joy
I don't like the thing between the toes. It hurts me.
Way ahead of you on this. Barefoot already.
I've been barefoot all day.
Nope, I don't like being barefooted. I even wear house shoes in the house. I've always been this way.
No way.
No, Pieces of broken glass sharp rocks vomit spit dog poop etc etc. etc.
No, I would rather take off my old platform boots and go in my new platform boots for the rest of the day.
I went a whole year barefoot and loved it.I had to walk mindfully to protect my feet. I loved feeling the textures and changing temperatures and groundedness. I made it half way through the Philadelphia Art Museum before someone told me i had to put something on my feet. That year I kept losing the Chinese shoes I carried as a back up for situations like that.
Linda Joy
I like walking barefoot in the (clean) grass. Very therapeutic!
Flag as duplicate. I forgot I had already answered this one.
I usually don't put shoes on unless I go out. So yes!
Not at all. My floor is always cold, always.
No, I'll take my shoes and socks off and go in SANDALS for the rest of the day. Why do I see so many of these barefoot troll questions on every website I visit?
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