I haven't heard of that before. I don't see how they could. If you worked a night shift, you would have to take off work. If someone has fined you, I would challenge it. If they're threatening to fine you, I would ask them to show you where in the HOA laws that's written.
I don't know if they can get away with that. I do know this. I got my fill of HOA's and their neo nazi B.S. !! HOA's are intended to protect property values, but, their powers usually wind up being abused by a few very small people with HUGE egos ... I got fed up with the politics and B.S. !! I purchased 30 acres of ag exempt unincorporated land, built my home, & barn for my horses. I'd gladly give the old HOA Nazis some "Free Fertilizer" though. LOL Got the heck out of Dodge and haven't looked back. They can have it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The short answer is No. HOA's govern use of your property, not use of your time and free will. But without knowing more about your situation, it is hard to say. Was there some reason you were compelled to attend? Did you have something that you requested to be on the agenda? Was there some inconvenience or loss to others due to your failure to attend? Review your C, C & R's; what do they say?
My HOA would be out of luck in our area. The meetings are rarely attended and they have trouble gettin people to be on the board.
My HOA would be out of luck in our area. The meetings are rarely attended and they have trouble gettin people to be on the board.
It depends on your CC&R's. If it is allowable, it will be listed there. My gut tells me you cannot force people to attend... even at the annual membership meetings, much less the monthly board meetings. I will NEVER serve on an HOA board again - a bunch of busy-bodies. If I can help it, I will never live in an HOA again.
7-24-2017 IMO the mention of HOA on a deed is a deal breaker. You pretty much sign away all your rights and hope they will be nice. But it only takes one jerk on the board to completely reverse the entire board's attitude.
There are some rights you cannot contract away, no matter what the Board thinks, but you may have to go to court to have your rights enforced. Mandatory attendance, however, sounds very strange, but might be a bullying strategy to get enough people in a room to hold a voting meeting.
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