Something that is supercooled to nearly absolute zero that has an extremely high specific heat. And that, even, could only hold it for a limited period of time.
Actually I found that tungsten can melt at 3422° C or 6192°F but you are right, it is the element with the highest melting point. I would think that the boiling water in a paper cup idea could be used to work with tungsten and also pure tungsten isn't usually worked with. But interesting question.
"Melting point 3695 K" "melting point of 3820 K" Carbon has the highest melting point in the structure of diamond, thus a diamond case can store molten Tungsten.
- It shows that there are 3 types of carbon with a higher melting point! There are also quite a few elements that do not have a known melting point. I would also guess that certain alloys might melt at a higher temperature but have no way to proove this
Jewels Vern
Any solution of two substances has a lower melting point than either of the substances. That is only if they will dissolve in each other, such as an alloy. That is what 'eutectic' means.
Things that are not elements - particularly ceramics. The melting point of a compound has nothing to do with the melting point of its component elements. Both hydrogen and oxygen have boiling points far below the melting point of water.
Very simple, you can use composite things to container it, e.g. specifically design metals, with high thermal conductivity and impurities designed to raise the melting point.
temperature of the tin welding arc
A properly made earthen metallurgical crucible can hold it.
id take a guess, the sun.
Ya mum!
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