I something like that one time a few years ago, and I used neosporin and washed my face several times a day until it went away. Just about three days.
natural or greek yogurt is good at soothing sunburn
aloe vera
The redness will go away on it's own. For pain I recommend Dermoplast. It is a spray that numbs the pain. It costs about 7-8 bucks a can and works great!
ouch. slap on the vaseline over night, it'll stop peeling and sooth the skin too. :)
I had something like that from food allergy reaction and I used a (Benadryl cream) and cold cloth pressure will work also. If food allergy reaction a spoon of honey suppose to cut the allergy.
go to your doctor and ask them to give you something for it
You really should figure out what caused it before you treat it. Try some Benedryl, cold packs, and apply hydrocortisone cream -- not too much. I'd see a doctor if I were you and get real professional advice.
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