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Very much so. My wife and I are tring to get pregnant and she has some leaking going on. Now I'm pretty sure it depends on the position of the girl after your done and the shape of her vagina.
yes it almost all comes out soon after you finish
My boyfriends cum always drips out of my vagina aswell... does that mean that we cant get pregnant at all???
Yes, most of it does, rather quickly. But it only takes one little sperm to get you pregnant!
Yes very much,it comes out soemtimes even the very next days.
sprem can live upto 3 days in there, and not all of it cums out.
Yes, you can leak all day !!! This is why women hate morning sex !!!
No... It comes out your left ear..
The Creampie is ready to eat
Some times I have to dig it out with my tongue, UUUUUmmmmm. Love those creampies...
Always. There's always a lot that leaks out of me after my bf cums in me, and there's a lot that stays inside me.
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