Believe it or not, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of.... long words..... :-)
Combination of elements suggesting largeness or length, deliberately forming a word likely to induce the fear it denotes: hippopotomonstro- (irregular blend [influenced by connective -o-, from French, from Latin, from Greek—connective vowel of most nouns and adjectives in combination] of hippopotamus and monstro-, from Latin monstr-, monstrum, monster) + sesquippedalio- (incorrectly formed from sesquipedalian or Latin sesquipedalia, things one and a half feet long) + -phobia, from phobia Noun hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, rarely hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia The fear of long words. Usage It is unlikely that this 15-syllable contrivance is ever used purely for its meaning. The term sesquipedalophobia is recognized in formal writing, while the four-syllable phrase "fear of long words" is certainly worth considering. Source:
the fear of large hippos! jk its the fear of long words!
it's the fear of LOOOOONNNGGGGG words!!! BE AFRAID...BE VERY AFRAID!
It is seriously the fear of long words you know...
the fear of long words
ok wtf the name for the fear of long words has to be the longest word ever
The phobia of a monstrous hippo that is equipped with weapons duh :)
Fear of long words. Can you imagine going to the doctor and he says whats wrong and you say I have hippopotmonst......AHHHHH!!!!! (blatantly stolen)
it means fear of long words ironic right?
As "Yakuzabuzzsaw" pasted, the word has deliberatley been made up to induce the fear of long words...and is certainly not ironic. It's a contrivance, a joke word. It was coined recently, a faux Latin concoction it's strcture makes no real sense in latin just some random words. Folk love stuff like this on the web.
Arrrrr take it away, take it away
The fear of long words! I love who whoever named this phobia, they have a great sense of humor.
Fear of long words.
The fear of Hippos who know how to spell....
the fear of long words, isnt that ironic lol :)
An automatic win in scrabble!
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