• According to this item form a plasma display promotional site, it's less than given off by a traditional CRT tube. This rings true to me, based on the nature of the technology. UV is used internally to cause the color phosphors to glow, meaning that the UV is mostly absorbed internally. Misconception #7: Plasma TVs give off a lot of radiation. This rumor just might be the most outlandish of the bunch, especially considering the fact that the monitor you're reading this on -- assuming it is a CRT -- gives off considerably more radiation than a plasma display ever could. While plasma monitors do generate a tiny amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, it is essentially negligible because this radiation extends no more than an inch outward from the screen. (How many people do you know who watch television that closely?) Because individual pixels are illuminated, the radiation is "contained" to the pixels themselves. This is not the case with tube-based TVs, which utilize an electron gun that shoots radiation toward the screen in order to illuminate phosphors thereon. This projects small amounts of radiation more than 12" outward from the screen. Not to worry: Both plasmas and CRTs comply with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines for TV radiation emissions, which have been in place since 1969. Entire article:

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