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Assuming your partner is female, try clitoral stimulation during intercourse, with hands or toys, and different positions to find out what feels best for her. Explore her fantasies, as these may be the key to finding the elusive coital orgasm. If your partner is male, then showing up is usually enough.
Try different positions. There are women who can only have orgasms from clitoral manipulation. Trying a position that will do this naturally will help. For instance, Doggy style allows your testicles to come in contact with her clit depending on your anatomy. A very good position for this is a position I learned from watching lesbians. They scissor their legs and rub vaginas together. Try that position with penetration. Your leg or testicles will come in contact with her clit. I will add that using different positions will also stimulate places inside her vagina that weren't being before. She might not even know she can orgasm by stimulation of her G spot and/or Skene's gland which is near the bladder.
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