Way overrated! I don't like it when people are all ' like my t-shirt it's prada', and I really don't care! With the money used to buy some pair of jeans you could have saved someone's life from famine or disease. Also what's the big deal about clothes anyways they're just there to cover your body, Lets Get Naked!!
no, but thats only because im not a fan of labels. i'd rather make my own clothing & wear american apparel than anything else but i do love designer clothes as long as they're outlandish and crazy like me.
Question: Are all designer clothes made by the designer him/herself or are many of the clothes 'pret a-porter'? The designer might design the cut and lines but the 'making' of the piece might be done in large warehouses by many persons. Haute Couture might be the ONLY piece the designer makes to finish.. And those pieces could run 10's of thousands...
Hi, I am the fan of the label because it looks different in your society. Designer clothes are better because not only do they help you to feel great, they help you to look your very best.
i never wear them
I wear clothing by some designers that I trust. Many designers are greatly overrated though. I'm Italian, and today, I wear Gucci suit, blouse and shoes.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Exaggeration at its finest. You are from Japan. You wear a homemade Japanese kimono. Did you make it or did your mommy make it for you? -
I'm not from Japan. I'm from Italy. You aren't. I have Japanese friends who wear kimono. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I am a Roman goddess, You are just another sideshow clown with a sock-puppet account.
i dont wear them
I mostly wear designer clothes on Friday's and on the weekends. Friday is the best day of the week to me, because it is a day to prepare for the weekend. Brands include: Burberry, Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, etc. Famous designer clothes are not overrated to people who like the glamorous life.
Linda Joy
Little girls with fistula tears are segregated to huts to live like dogs. It costs less than 600 USD to fix that tear and change their lives. Does that ever cross your mind when you're shopping? A person being treated like a human being vs. A piece of cloth. Find me some scriptures on this one, Jenny! How do those clothes not burn you to your soul? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Not quite. I am middle-class, I work from Mon-Fri, I value myself, and I like to treat myself when I can. Find you some scriptures? Not a problem. Psalm 44:21 "Would not God find this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart." Psalm 139:1 "O LORD, You have searched me and known me." -
I was born wealthy. I have been a ballerina and a model. I don't need to work. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Venus1485, that's because you are useless. lol
I wear designer clothes I buy at a local thrift shop. Hey its still designer clothing at much cheaper prices Plus the quality is usually good.
i dont wear them
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