You can were any metallic color, brown, black, red, and black.
Sorry, chum, but you can't wear ANY metallic color with these! maybe brown, but sure as hell NOT black or red!!!! Stick with maybe a deep green..... -
No, red is worst of all with green.
try a dirty cream color like a georgan white
depending on how deep the color is, browns, cork wedgies would be cute.
gold. It will add impact to your whole get up.
Try matching the dress with a pair of strappy shoes in the same colour - a thrifty hint is that if you buy silk material the same colour as the dress, you can then cut it into strips so you have lengths that fit each strappy part of the shoe and then glue them onto and around the strappy bits of the shoe. Otherwise, go for a pale colour. An alternative is to purchase a wrap or cute little dressy handbag / clutch that is in the same colour as the shoes you want to wear - that way it won't matter if your shoes are a different colour from your dress! Another idea you can try is to use hair-jewels - ie, little beaded clips in a design and colour you like then dress up a plain pair of heels with similar crystals (just stick them on with glue)! Good luck and remember, you aren't the bride so it won't matter so much if your shoes don't match the dress (and if there's photos, just stand so your shoes can't be seen - use a child as a cover - there'll probably be one handy and within reach ;) )
uh, WHAT!?!?!? way too much bother, I 'd think!!!!
Brown are good.
have your shoes dyed to match the dress. I like wearing the same color shoes with anything I wear. I wear blue tennis shoes with blue jeans when I wear them.
Ice man
That's very fashion conscious ... and good taste as well.
whatever color you want to wear
Brown is a very good choice.
whatever color you want
Brown, black, grey, other greens.
Black looks great with olive.
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