I used to prefer to have a check in my hand every pay period, thinking I'd lose track of my finances with direct deposit. It wasn't until I took a job that required direct deposit that I found out how much it simplifies my life. No bank lines, no ATM's, no time lost.
Direct deposit is a far better way of making and receiving payment.
Direct deposit. But don't move house and fail to notify your employer's payroll dept.... I did that once and bounced a large check. I felt so dumb. The merchant was really nice about it and I covered it instantly. But wow. dumbdumbdumb
No contest. Direct deposit is so much easier. Additionally, I get paid a day earlier than I would for a traditional check.
I would rather be paid by direct deposit because I usually never have time to go to the bank before I need money, so I end up being broke :( lol
I want to see my check and cash it, my pay varies so I don't want to think I have more money than I actually do, if it was direct deposited.
I love my direct deposit - I only wish I could have my check split up between my different accounts - I'm a total nut - I have about 5 different accounts
My credit union automatically takes money from checking and puts some into savings Ask your financial institution.
I love Direct Deposit. I always hated getting my paycheck on a friday, and not getting off work until after the banks had closed, and no being able to access the money I had in my hand for another few days. I much prefer knowing that I will have the money in my account every other monday morning, and if Monday is a holiday, I will have it the friday before. It's very nice.
I use direct deposit. I hate going to the bank. I can always print out my deposit slips manually and keep them that way if I feel the urge.
Direct deposit so I don't lose my checks. It happens.
i like direct deposit. i hate going to the bank for any reason.
cash or check
Army Veteran
Getting paid under the table, huh? (wink)
Direct deposit
Direct deposit for the convenience of not having to go to the bank and getting paid a day or two sooner. I would NOT do that, however, if my employer was very small and/or I thought there was a real possibility the business might fail.
Absolutely direct deposit.
I always likes a check or cash.
Direct deposit. I feel its safer. Less chance of check being stolen. I want to be on the safe side when it comes to money.
My entire monthly finances are managed online. Once my direct deposit is made I spend around 5 minutes paying bills online that I receive through paperless billing. Once that chore is done, I have the option of transferring any amount I want into savings.
I'm old school and like to see a check in my hand.
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