Nah. Trolls should be ignored. The more attention you give to trolls, the more power they have. Besides, it sounds like a waste of oil.
I kind of like the tar and feathered look.
No, they should have to post a comment evry time they down rate. If they're that smart make them show it. I hate getting down rated and not being given the oppertunity to defend myself against an unknow assailent.
no, leave us trolls alone : )
Seems a waste of oil, a waste of time, pencils and paper, and a waste of a spare room to me!
I can't imagine anyone wanting to waste time and oil on them.
Nah...the best thing to do is to ignore them or "shun" them. Attention is what they seek..don't give them what they want.:)
Nosmo King
I see what you did there, Rosie. I made that same joke myself on the old AB site, and a certain girl (who shall remain anonymous) was quick to notice it. Lol:) -
Hello Rosie. This is an old question, and I can see the "Shunyata" reference from here. Happy Tuesday!:)
Naa, that's way too dignified : / Also Oil's too expensive nowadays, and I honestly don't know where I can get my hands on a horse with which to draw them, and I don't want to make too much mess by quartering them... Maybe just send them off to an Asylum so we never have to hear from / about them again : D
Works for me, lets do it.
That sounds too human and quick by the time the oil is over they can't truly appreciate the quartering . I hear water-boarding is quit unpleasant, and it can last as long as you want it to. They don't even need to be convicted of trolling only suspected!
I don't think it would matter to be honest.
No. I would like them to have very long but miserable lives :o)
Just drawn, but not boiled or quartered!
I think they are already drowning in their own misery...that's why they are trolls to begin with. Such bitterness and hatred will eventually eat someone alive. Why waste such time (and oil) on them when they are doing themselves in?
nope too much trouble just let them be.
Yes and then buried alive. :)
If I'm feeling lenient, yes.
Yes. There's one on Similar Worlds I'd love to do that to.
Who is that?
I would prefer to stamp on them with my platform boots.
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