Clear as 7-up - the colour is from caramel.
wasnt crystal pepsi just pepsi without the coloring?
Got it! It would be a nasty shade of green!
Since cola contains lime juice (plus other things like kola nut extract & cassia oil) a pale green colour, then caramel is added making it the brown you are familiar with.
It would probably be some gross color like green or puce and they make it brown so you don't know what a gross color it is.
Clear like 7up I guess
Isn't the coloring one of the key ingredients, the flavoring?
If you look up coke on snopes it specifically says that the 'green' color of coke was just a rumor and isn't true. Coke would be a lighter brown, almost like ale if there were no caramel color added
It would just be clear.
Man, that clear Pepsi was GOOD. Maybe it was just the Van Hagar soundtrack? On topic, I'm thinking that it would be like ginger ale.
everyone is saying nasty green so i'm going to go with nasty green
Clear > like water ... buy a bottle of coke in a clear bottle and leave it in the sun for a week or two ... you will see. Peace
Cheerful green?
not sure
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